Why Unable to Submit Tasks on Picoworkers?

Unable to Submit Tasks on Picoworkers?

"Unable to submit task" is a big problem for picoworkers. Sometimes temporary success rate is under 65% then it will automatically show unable to submit tasks. But, what is the solution? today techyhopper will explain the problem as well as possible.

Picoworkers provide opportunities to all the workers to earn some things. As a result, all workers can do tasks at the same time.

Anyway, this major problem can be fixed by proper steps. The step is explained below:

 Wait until able to submit a task

When I was also facing the problem. This time I also wait a week to submit new tasks. This is the way that you can only fix it. 

Unable to Submit Tasks on Picoworkers

When you earn many but it is on the "pending balance", then you might get the "Unable to submit task".

As a worker, I also observe it. that's why next time I also try to keep the system. When I earn more then I wait for pending to earning transformation.

So, wait a week or a long time can solve the problem. Moreover, some workers will need 2/3 days or some will 1/2 week. It depends on his/her tasks completion.

Some things before submitting a task:

# submit tasks which you have any idea of works.

# If employer want very hard proof then skip it

# Don't more and more same tasks like Reddit, Twitter, etc

# Don't submit the same name or username frequently.

#  Don't work with the last segment tasks like already have complete 199 out of 200. It can lose your time.

Mind it: Every duplicate submit will increase interval time to 60s and its effect your success rate. But if you submit a task successfully it will deduct the interval time.

By the way, the main solution is to wait a time for "Able to submit a task". It is the only way to solve the "Unable to submit a task" problem.

N: B:

If many times to go but you can't see able to submit tasks letter. Then, it might serious problem for your account.

Cause, if you submitted unsatisfied or duplicate tasks many times. Like more and more times, then picoworkers should suspend your account. So be careful about submitting tasks.

TechyHopper already has covered about Review of Picoworkers. To see the post go via the link below:

Read more: Picoworkers Review: A to Z information

Further, if you need to know more info, you can contact us or directly with picoworkers. And if you have any questions or comment about it. Let's comment in the box below. thanks for supporting me!

Mahizul Islam

The blogging journey is not easy at all. But, I try my best to keep it. Because I like to help people and other bloggers. I write articles about tech, blogging, and tips.

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